Chr Fōrlag


Otto Schulz
Möbler och inredningar
An extensive book on Otto Schulz (1882-1970) – a designer that made essential contributions both to Swedish Grace as well as Swedish Modern.

“Otto Schulz Möbler och inredningar 1910-1950" is a book about the furniture designer and interior architect Otto Schulz, founder of Firma Boet, Gothenburg's most exclusive interior design store between 1920-1950. It's illustrated with contemporary and historical pictures and a large number of watercolors. Schulz often used unexpected combinations of materials and techniques and he developed a style that sometimes was traditional, sometimes modern and inimitable and often striking.” 

The book is 304 pages long with roughly 230 illustrations, weighs about 2 kilos and has been made by Christian Björk, Erika Geiger Ohlin and Anders Nord Studio.


Otto Schulz
Möbler och inredningar
Ett omfattande bok om Otto Schulz (1882-1970) – en formgivare som gjorde viktiga bidrag till såväl Swedish Grace som Swedish Modern.

”Otto Schulz Möbler och inredningar 1910-1950” är en bok om möbelformgivaren och inredningsarkitekten Otto Schulz som grundade Firma Boet, Göteborgs mest exklusiva inredningsbutik mellan åren 1920-1950. Den är rikt illustrerad, med samtida och historiskt bildmaterial och ett stort antal akvareller. Schulz hade ett formspråk som ibland var säreget, ibland oefterlikneligt och stundtals slående.” 

Boken är på 304 sidor med drygt 230 illustrationer, väger cirka 2 kilo och är skapad av Christian Björk, Erika Geiger Ohlin och Anders Nord Studio.

Product information

Size: 290 x 220 x 40 mm
Pages: 304
Format: hardcover with Swiss binding
Language: Swedish
Illustration: ca 230 colour & b/w
Text: Christian Björk and Erika Geiger Ohlin
Book design: Anders Nord Studio
Printing: Livonia Print
Publisher: Chr Förlag
Published Year: 2022
Weight: 1721 gr
ISBN: 9789152706459

Book Reviews

Date: 2023.02.04
Author: Mark Isitt
GP Kultur ︎︎︎

Dagens Nyheter
Date 2023.01.08
Author: Birgitta Rubin
DN Kultur ︎︎︎


Date: 2023.02.15
Author: Sara Bourke
Bukowskis ︎︎︎


Date: 2023.03.01
Author: Petter Eklund

Date: 2023.01.03
Author: Konstfack
Konstfack ︎︎︎


Book of the Year 2023
The Collector’s Award

Selected Stores

Röhsska museet
Vasagatan 39
411 37 Göteborg, Sweden ︎︎︎

Konst/ig Books
Åsögatan 124
116 24 Stockholm, Sweden ︎︎︎

Book a lecture

fil. dr Christian Björk

Art historian/Senior lecturer

Extensive research into Schulz's practice as an interior architect and furniture designer is included in the publication of the book. Schulz wrote his own books, published the magazine Boet and as owner of Firma Boet he was a successful entrepreneur.

Christian lectures on Schulz's practice and shows a wide selection of contemporary and historical photographs and watercolors. In the lecture, both design and idea history perspectives, national and international, are given. Schulz was in many ways an outsider and had a hard time entering design history. The lecture explains why by discussing how design history came to be and the importance of it needing to be broadened.

Subject: Otto Schulz
Lecturer: fil. dr Christian Björk
Language: English (or) Swedish
Duration: 2h

On Request ︎︎︎


Chr Fōrlag has the year 2022 published the book about "Otto Schulz Furniture and interior design 1910-1950".

Christian Björk's publication list includes several books published by other publishers, such as "Axel Einar Hjorth: möbelarkitekt"/Signum, 2009 (with Thomas Ekström and Eric Ericson ), "Estrid Ericson"(2011), "Näfveqvarn's mill: artists and architects to industry" (2013), "Swedish grace" (2017), text: Gunnela Ivanov; editor with Eric Ericson and "Swedish modern" (2018), text: Hedvig Hedqvist; editor with Eric Ericson.

As a researcher, author and teacher, Christian writes and teaches about design, interior architecture and designed living environments from the 20th century, in the broadest sense. Chr Fōrlag may publish more books in these subject areas.

Chr Fōrlag
Svärdlångsvägen 39
120 60 Årsta